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Be Part of the Story

Accounting & Finance Rotation Program Analyst, August 2025 or February 2026

申請 稍後繼續申請 Job ID 10099804 職位地點 布埃纳文图拉湖, 佛罗里达州, 美國 有意工作的公司 The Walt Disney Company (Corporate) 張貼日期 2024/09/04


About the Role & Team

The Accounting & Finance Rotation Program (AFRP) is a full-time entry-level program designed to provide recent college graduates a cross-functional, enterprise-wide learning experience within the Controllership and Finance departments at The Walt Disney Company. AFRP Analysts will participate in four distinct rotations designed to build key technical and leadership skills needed to succeed within the many businesses of Disney. Analysts will set goals for their program experience allowing them to develop, grow, and enhance the necessary skills to become strong accounting and finance professionals. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will be considered for various opportunities in the accounting organizations within The Walt Disney Company.

What You Will Do

  • Diverse Experiences: Participate in four 6-month rotations throughout the Controllership and Finance organizations, gaining exposure to the many different businesses of The Walt Disney Company and the Entertainment Industry. Rotations are available in the following areas: Corporate, Disney Entertainment, and Disney Experiences.
  • Building Your Expertise: Strengthen your Accounting and Financial Planning skills through concentrated work in the areas of: Operational/Transactional Accounting, Financial Reporting, Corporate Tax & Audit, and Finance.
  • Work Towards Your CPA: AFRP provides the necessary resources and tools to study and take the parts of the CPA exam and will satisfy work-hour requirements to become licensed by the Florida State Board of Accountancy.
  • Professional Development: Analysts will follow specialized curriculum to build communication, leadership, presentation, writing and other professional and leadership skills.
  • Expanding Your Network: Opportunities to meet with peers and senior leaders from the many different businesses within the company and the industry.
  • Formal Mentorship: Analyst will be matched with a senior level manager who will provide ongoing development, leadership insights and direction to help make the two-year program even more valuable. Opportunities for informal mentorship and partnership will also happen throughout the program.

Required Qualifications & Skills

Candidates demonstrate a combination of academic proficiency, quantitative skills, personal motivation, and advanced written and oral communications skills. We are specifically looking for individuals who have the following background:

  • A desire to become licensed as a CPA
  • Business experience through internships, part-time work, and/or on-campus involvement
  • Dedication to building a career in accounting
  • Proven track record to take on leadership positions and significant responsibility
  • Willingness to permanently relocate to Orlando, FL
  • Available to begin full-time by August 2025 or February 2026

Preferred Qualifications

  • Meet all credit-hour qualifications to sit for the CPA exam prior to starting with the program


  • Currently enrolled in a college or university and working towards a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Accounting, Finance, Business, Economics or related, with a focus on Accounting
  • Preferred Education
  • 3.5 GPA or higher preferred

關於 The Walt Disney Company (Corporate):

在 The Walt Disney Company (Corporate),你會看到公司強大品牌背後各業務如何融會交流,建構出全球最創新、影響深遠和備受尊崇的娛樂公司。作為企業團隊的一份子,你將會與推動策略以讓The Walt Disney Company穩佔娛樂界頂尖地位的世界精英領袖一同工作。與其他具有創新精神的思想家惺惺相惜,同時讓這個世界上最偉大的故事敍述家為全球各地千百萬家庭締造回憶。

關於 The Walt Disney Company:

Walt Disney Company 連同其子公司和聯營公司,是領先的多元化國際家庭娛樂和媒體企業,其業務主要涉及三個範疇:Disney Entertainment、ESPN 及 Disney Experiences。Disney 在 1920 年代的起步之初,只是一間卡通工作室,至今已成為娛樂界的翹楚,並昂然堅守傳承,繼續為家庭中每位成員創造世界一流的故事與體驗。Disney 的故事、人物與體驗傳遍世界每個角落,深入人心。我們在 40 多個國家/地區營運業務,僱員及演藝人員攜手協力,創造全球和當地人們都珍愛的娛樂體驗。

這個職位隸屬於 Disney Financial Services, LLC, 其所屬的業務部門是 The Walt Disney Company (Corporate)

Disney Financial Services, LLC 是提供平等就業機會的僱主。求職者都會獲得聘僱考量的機會,不分種族、宗教、膚色、生理性別、性傾向、社會性別、性別認同、性別表達、原國籍、血統、年齡、婚姻狀態、軍人或退伍軍人身份、醫療狀況、遺傳資訊或殘疾狀況、或者聯邦、州級或地方法律所禁止的其他任何基本特徵。Disney 提倡讓所有人的想法和決策都有助我們發展、創新、創造最好故事的商業環境,並與瞬息萬變的世界息息相關。

申請 稍後繼續申請